Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The best latte you will ever have...

When I started looking for an apartment in Evanston, I first needed to scout out where the coffeehouses were located, and then I wanted to find an apartment within walking distance. Starbucks and I are good friends as I have a personalized gold gift card I’m constantly refreshing. However, if the choice is between Starbucks and a smaller coffee shop I always opt for supporting the small business. I’m happy to introduce you to The Brothers KCoffeehouse.

Located about 42 steps from my apartment, this place will knock your socks off. Brothers Brain and John Kim opened it in 2005. They serve a variety of fair trade organic coffees, teas, and espresso drinks. I have to say they make the BEST caramel latte I have ever had, but their black ice tea is also amazing. Along with caffeinated drinks, they also sell a collection of bakery items from local businesses, but these go quick! I love the ambiance in Brother K coffeehouse. All the baristas I’ve encounters have been very friendly and the outdoor seating area is relaxing and spacious. On any occasion you will see a diverse range of people inhabiting this coffeehouse from the diligent student finishing a paper to families with young children sitting outside enjoying a sunny day. Along with serving coffee they also host latte art classes, poetry readings, open mic performances, and the art work around the coffee house changes every month to highlight local artists. Brothers K coffeehouse is located at 500 Main Street at the intersection of Main and Hinman. My only complaint it that they close at 8:00 pm, so make sure you stop by before then. 

My viewpoint at Brothers K coffeehouse 

You can see one of the brothers standing at the counter. Extremely friendly guy!

This is a good picture of the outdoor seating area. 


  1. Looks like an awesome place Katie! I agree with you, I really like supporting local businesses. I also like that you are reading your digital storytelling book! Since we all have to do homework, a coffee shop visit is a great excuse!

  2. This place looks pretty cool. I'm always looking for a new place to get work done especially now that I don't have internet at home. Do they have wifi?
